Lipstick Resurrection: Simple Hacks to Revive Your Shattered Beauty Ally


Ever had your favorite lipstick snap in half, leaving you with a broken heart and a useless tube of color?

It's a common problem that many lipstick lovers have faced, and it can be incredibly frustrating. But don't despair! There are actually a few easy ways to fix a broken lipstick and salvage your beloved shade.

Here's what you'll need:

  • Your broken lipstick
  • A lighter or candle
  • A spoon
  • A small container


  1. Hold the broken pieces of lipstick over the flame of a lighter or candle, heating them until they start to melt.

  2. Use the spoon to stir the melted lipstick until it is completely smooth.

  3. Pour the melted lipstick into a small container, such as an empty lip balm pot or a small jar.

  4. Allow the lipstick to cool and harden completely. This may take several hours or overnight.

  5. Once the lipstick is hard, you can use it as normal!

Additional tips:

  • If your lipstick is in multiple pieces, you can melt them all together before pouring them into the container.

  • If you don't have a lighter or candle, you can also melt the lipstick in a microwave. Just be sure to use a low power setting and heat the lipstick in short intervals, stirring it frequently to prevent it from burning.

  • If you're worried about the lipstick cooling too quickly before you can pour it into the container, you can place the container in a bowl of hot water to keep it warm.

  • Once the lipstick has hardened, you can use a cotton swab to smooth out any rough edges.

How to Fix a Broken Lipstick: A Comprehensive Guide to Save Your Favorite Lip Color

Lipstick, an essential element in many makeup routines, can sometimes meet an unfortunate fate – it breaks. Whether it's due to an accidental drop, a rough ride in your purse, or sheer misfortune, a broken lipstick can be a frustrating experience. But don't despair; with a few simple steps and a bit of patience, you can fix it and bring it back to life.

Gather Your Tools:

Before you begin the repair process, ensure you have the necessary tools on hand:

  • A lighter or small candle
  • A match or lighter flint
  • A spoon or small knife
  • A small container
  • A toothpick or small paintbrush

1. Prepare the Broken Lipstick:

  • Gently Remove the Broken Pieces: Carefully separate the broken pieces of the lipstick from the tube. Handle them gently to prevent further damage.

  • Warm the Lighter or Candle: Hold the lighter or candle steady, ready to generate a small flame.

  • Melt the Base of the Lipstick: Hold the broken lipstick base over the flame for a few seconds, gently moving it back and forth to evenly distribute the heat. Avoid holding it too close to the flame to prevent burning the lipstick.

Prepare the broken lipstick Image

2. Repair the Broken Lipstick:

  • Apply Melted Lipstick to the Broken Piece: Once the base of the lipstick is melted, quickly and carefully apply a small amount to the broken piece using a toothpick or small paintbrush. Work quickly as the melted lipstick will harden rapidly.

  • Press the Broken Pieces Together: Immediately after applying the melted lipstick, press the broken pieces firmly together, ensuring they align properly. Hold them together for a few seconds to allow the melted lipstick to cool and bond the pieces together.

Repair the broken lipstick Image

  • Use a Spoon or Knife to Smooth the Surface: Once the pieces are firmly attached, use the spoon or knife to gently smooth the surface of the lipstick, removing any excess melted lipstick and creating a seamless appearance.

3. Finish and Store the Lipstick:

  • Allow it to Cool Completely: Let the repaired lipstick cool down completely before using it again. This will ensure that the bond between the pieces has fully set.

  • Store the Repaired Lipstick Properly: To prevent future breakage, store the repaired lipstick in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or extreme temperatures.

Finish and store the lipstick Image

Additional Tips:

  • Be Patient: Repairing a broken lipstick requires patience and precision. Take your time and work carefully to avoid further damage.

  • Use a Steady Hand: When holding the lighter or candle and applying the melted lipstick, ensure your hand is steady to prevent accidents and uneven melting.

  • Avoid Overheating: Do not hold the lipstick base over the flame for too long or too close, as this could burn the lipstick and ruin its texture.

  • Use a Small Flame: A small flame is sufficient for melting the lipstick without causing damage. Avoid using a large or intense flame.


With a bit of care and attention, you can successfully fix a broken lipstick and restore it to its original condition. Remember to gather the necessary tools, prepare the broken lipstick, repair it carefully, and finish and store it properly. By following these steps, you can prevent future breakage and enjoy your favorite lip color for longer.


  1. Can I use glue to fix a broken lipstick?

No, using glue to fix a broken lipstick is not recommended. Glue may not adhere properly to the lipstick's surface and can result in a messy and unreliable repair. It can also affect the texture and integrity of the lipstick, making it unsuitable for use.

  1. Can I use a microwave to melt the lipstick?

Using a microwave to melt the lipstick is not a good idea. Microwaves heat unevenly and can cause the lipstick to burn or become damaged. It is best to use a lighter or small candle to gently melt the lipstick base.

  1. Can I repair a lipstick that has been completely shattered?

Repairing a lipstick that has been completely shattered can be challenging. The pieces may be too small or damaged to bond together effectively. However, you can attempt the repair process, and if it's unsuccessful, consider replacing the lipstick.

  1. How can I prevent my lipstick from breaking in the future?

To prevent your lipstick from breaking, store it properly in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. Avoid dropping it or subjecting it to rough handling. You can also use a lipstick case or holder to protect it during travel or when carrying it in your purse.

  1. Can I use the repaired lipstick safely?

Yes, as long as you repair the lipstick properly and allow it to cool completely before use, it should be safe to use. Ensure that the bond between the pieces is strong and that there are no sharp edges or exposed metal parts.